Digital Media’s 20th Graduating Class!

May 31, Noon Eastern Daylight Time
See the showcase video on YouTube:
The second portion of the expo is here:
It’s 2020 and Drexel’s Digital Media programs are celebrating our 20th graduating class! On May 31st tune into the live stream to see our incredible seniors present their year-long capstone projects from our houses to yours. The 2020 DIGM Showcase features innovative work from students in the top-rated Digital Media programs of Animation & Visual Effects, Game Design & Production, Interactive Digital Media, and VR & Immersive Media.
On Sunday, May 31st, fourteen senior teams will present the results of their hard work in live streamed presentations (12pm-2pm EDT). Afterwards, viewers will be able to experience student work from across the entire DIGM community through live conversations and demonstrations (2pm-4pm EDT). Be sure to stay connected with our Facebook Event and Drexel Westphal’s social media accounts as we highlight student projects (Mondays and Fridays) and keeping in touch with students and alumni while away from campus (Wednesdays).