Join media critic Anita Sarkeesian as she discusses sexism in gaming, ranging from the portrayal of female characters in popular video games, to the culture of harassing and excluding women from gaming communities, particularly online. Sarkeesian’s talk also includes examples of games and communities that do get it right, and what we can learn from missteps and successes alike.
Sarkeesian is the creator of Feminist Frequency, a video webseries that explores the representations of women in pop culture narratives and deconstructs the associated stereotypes and tropes. She has been interviewed and featured in The New York Times,Wired, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, and Forbes. She has received numerous awards, including the 2014 Game Developers Choice Ambassador Award, a 2013 honorary award from National Academy of Video Game Trade, and a nomination for Microsoft’s 2014 Women in Games Ambassador Award. In 2015, Sarkeesian was named one of the TIME 100 Most Influential People.
Feminist media critic and activist, Anita Sarkeesian, will be joining the Entrepreneurial Game Studio and Temple Libraries for an informal Question and Answer session in the ExCITe Center. Light refreshments will be served. Pre-registration is required, and doors will close at 2:10.
Pre-Registration is required to attend and all questions must be submitted through the RSVP form prior to the event.
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