Web Game Design 2017

This summer in IDM-245: Web Game Design our students explored multimedia-authoring tools used to create interactive games designed to be played in a browser. Here are a few samples from this class Satellite Survivor by Phoebe Bostwick Play it here. Glass Castle by Axel Mortimer Play it here. Flower Flash …

Physical Web Student Projects

This summer we ran an Independent Study course titled “The Physical Web” where students learned to use an open approach to enable quick and seamless interactions between physical objects (via micro controllers) and web protocols. Here are the results of their studies: Web Controlled Pet Feeder by Martina Calluori Read …

Arduino Week 04

This week we started with Project 10: Zoetrope. Using a motor we created the illusion of motion similar to how animation was presented in the pre-movie era. Ultimately though, we earned how to start, stop and change the direction the motor is spinning via buttons, and how to control the …

Arduino Week 03

This week we start with Project 07 in the Arduino Starter Kit and built a Keyboard Instrument. This project utilizes a process called a resistor ladder. A resistor ladder is a circuit that is made using repeating units of resistors. This way we can read multiple switches using only one …

Light Theremin

A theremin is an electronic musical instrument controlled without any physical contact from the musician. It is named after it’s Russian inventor, Leon Theremin. The device was patented in 1928. Here he is demonstrating his invention: In project 6 of the Arduino starter kit we build a theremin that uses a photoresistor …

Arduino Week 02

This week we worked our way through Project 4: Color Mixing Lamp and Project 5: Mood Cue. Project 4 dealt taught us how to use photoresistors to control the color of an RGB LED. We use three photoresistors, each one was covered with a red, green, or blue gel so …

Arduino Week 01

This week we started digging into the Arduino Starter Kit. Our initial move was to write code to make the on board LED flash to understand the core concept of the Arduino IDE and the associate programming language. The Arduino is a simple microcontroller that was created for building digital devices …

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