Light Theremin

A theremin is an electronic musical instrument controlled without any physical contact from the musician. It is named after it’s Russian inventor, Leon Theremin. The device was patented in 1928. Here he is demonstrating his invention: In project 6 of the Arduino starter kit we build a theremin that uses a photoresistor …

Arduino Week 02

This week we worked our way through Project 4: Color Mixing Lamp and Project 5: Mood Cue. Project 4 dealt taught us how to use photoresistors to control the color of an RGB LED. We use three photoresistors, each one was covered with a red, green, or blue gel so …

Arduino Week 01

This week we started digging into the Arduino Starter Kit. Our initial move was to write code to make the on board LED flash to understand the core concept of the Arduino IDE and the associate programming language. The Arduino is a simple microcontroller that was created for building digital devices …

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