Leanne Chin
IDM 382: Internet of Things
Fall 2020
Over the past 11 weeks, I worked on developing a device using the Internet of Things to be able to control a series of NeoPixel lights using a web browser in order to promote the use of technology to better the fundamental developmental growth of early childhood education. Through this project, I not only learned about the educational benefits that colors bring to a child’s education but also the process of understanding how to wire breadboards and work with Arduino without short-circuiting any equipment. I learned how to use a variety of different tools to reach my goal of working on my device online and how to adapt my code to each program.
- TrackAllow online access from online dashboard to control LED lights
- Debug problem with sticky buttons
- Debug problem where clicking onto one button
Final Presentation
Future Plans
- Seeing if it is possible to attach a projector to the Arduino
- Developing an interactive story book projector that reacts to the buttons that are pressed using IoT
Sample Code
void loop() { ArduinoCloud.update(); // Your code here //Serial.println("looping"); for(int i=0;i<NUMPIXELS;i++){ // pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(redColor, greenColor, blueColor)); // Moderately bright green color. pixels.show(); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware. delay(delayval); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). // Serial.println(i); } } // END LOOP void onLEDbuttonChange() { // Do something } void onButton1Change() { // Do something Serial.println("virtual button click"); lEDbutton = "Button Color 1 Pushed"; noColor(); } // End Here void onButton2Change() { // Do something lEDbutton = "Button Color 2 Pushed"; setColor(); } // End Here void onButton3Change() { // Do something lEDbutton = "Button Color 3 Pushed"; setColor2(); } void noColor() { redColor = 0; greenColor = 0; blueColor = 0; }; void setColor(){ redColor = 0; greenColor = 255; blueColor = 255; Serial.print("red: "); Serial.print("green: "); Serial.print("blue: "); }; void setColor2() { redColor = 255; greenColor = 0; blueColor = 255; };