Leanne Chin


Ambitious and diligent student working towards a B.S. in Interactive Digital Media. Aspiring to use newfound skills in Adobe suite and UI design along with gaining knowledge about the digital media industry.


Garden School | NYC (2004-2018)

High School Diploma

Drexel University | Philadelphia (2018-Present)

B.S. in Interactive Digital Media




Adobe Illusrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Indesign

Adobe Aftereffects

Adobe XD



Microsoft Suite


Time Management

Public Speaking


Current College Courses

Scripting for IDM

Using previous knowledge of HTML and CSS and creating a Zodiac button project using newfound knowledge in Javascript.

Web Design II

Developing new skills in HTML in CSS to create responsive web pages and animation for our personal websites.

Com 218-Communication in Film, Celebrities and Environment

Incorporating communication theories in analyzing films about the climate movement and how films are depicting our environment.

History of Modern Art

Gaining knowledge and new insight about the history of French Enlightenment and how it affected art up until contemporary times.

Human Factors Engineering

Aquiring knowledge on how the human brain works in correlation to the products that we design, whether it be hardware or software based.

Physics 175- Light and Sound

Learning about the physics of light and sound and how it affects our everday lives as designers.

Activities/Work Experience

College Activities

Campus Activities Board (2019-Present)

Adobe XD Ambassador (January-June2020)

Drexel University Onyx Valley (2019-Present)

The Triangle (2018-Present)

Dac Pack (2018-Present)

Work Experience

Garden School Camp (June-August 2019)

Sargento Cheese Design Thinking Workshop by Rivet Logic (August 26-29, 2019)