IDM 241 Assignment 5

Final Build


God Of War





Horizon Zero Dawn



Open WorldAdventureAction


Uncharted 4





Loops & Modes


INTERACTION 1. The Cursor Hovers In over a game image:

The Cursor Hovers Out of a Game image

INTERACTION 2. The Cursor Hovers In over a info button:

The Cursor Hovers Out of a info button:

INTERACTION 3. The Cursor Hovers In over a game category:

The Cursor Hovers Out of a game category:

INTERACTION 4. The Cursor clicks on an info button

INTERACTION 5. The Cursor hovers on a modal button

The Cursor hovers off a modal button

INTERACTION 6. The Cursor hovers on a the modal image

The Cursor hovers off the modal image

INTERACTION 7. The cursor clicks on a modal X button


When the Cursor Hovers In over a game image:

When the Cursor Hovers Out of a Game image

when the Cursor Hovers In over a info button:

When the Cursor Hovers Out of a info button:

When Cursor Hovers In over a game category:

The Cursor Hovers Out of a game category:

When the Cursor clicks on an info button

When the Cursor hovers on a modal button

When the Cursor hovers off a modal button

When the Cursor hovers on a modal image

When the Cursor hovers off a modal image

When the cursor clicks on a modal X button