

After Effects Animation for Design II for Media at Drexel University.

For the final project for Design II for Media, a freshmen level course at Drexel University, I worked together with Brianna Buissereth to develop an animation that further explored one of the color theory topics we learned about throughout the course. Our animation dealt with monochromatic color schemes and evoking emotions based on them.

The story follows Fille, a young girl who wakes up in a dark wood. As she explores her surroundings, a cloud-like monster called Nuage appears and chases her. Eventually Fille reaches the end of the woods, but finds herself backed up against the edge of a cliff that she stumbles off of as the piece ends, leaving what happens to her up to the interpretation of the viewer.

Brianna headed up character design and the unique world objects and backgrounds, while I was the primary animator and I developed the look and feel for the trees scattered about the forest. All of the animation was completed in Adobe After Effects where we experimented with the paralax effect we could create by enabling 3D space within the composition.

We were able to bring Fille to life thanks to a plug-in for After Effects called DUIK that allowed us to rig our assets brought in from Adobe Illustrator. Nuage was interesting to develop as the only asset that we really developed were his eyes, everything else for his character is handled by a particle fountain inside of Adobe After Effects that allows his form to take on a more mystical and constantly changing appearance.